The LIfe and (Medieval) Times of Kit Sweetly - Jamie Pacton, Lizzie Mason - 05/07/2020 - 6:00pm

The LIfe and (Medieval) Times of Kit Sweetly


Presented in partnership with A Room of One's Own Bookstore, Jamie Pacton will appear live via Crowdcast in converation with YA author Lizzie Mason. Join us at:


Working as a wench—i.e. waitress — at a cheesy medieval-themed restaurant in the suburbs of Chicago, Kit Sweetly dreams of being a knight, like her brother Chris. She knows the moves, she’s capable on a horse, and she desperately needs the raise that comes with Knighthood, so she can help her mom pay the mortgage and hold a spot at her dream college. Defying the painfully-medieval company policy that allows only guys to be knights, Kit takes her brother’s place one evening. When Kit reveals her identity at the end of the show, she rockets herself into internet fame and a whole lot of trouble with the management. If she can’t spur the company into changing their policy, so anyone can fight regardless of gender, she won’t only lose her job and her family’s house, but she can kiss her spot at her dream college goodbye. Both empowering and swoon-worthy, and full of witty historical facts and pop culture references, The Life and (Medieval) Times of Kit Sweetly is a hilarious rom-com with the smash-the-patriarchy heart of Moxie.

Jamie Pacton

Jamie Pacton headshot

Jamie Pacton is an award-winning Young Adult and Middle Grade author who lives in Wisconsin with her family. Her YA contemporary books include Furious, Lucky Girl and The Life and (Medieval) Times of Kit Sweetly. Her YA fantasy novels include, The Absinthe Underground and The Vermilion Emporium.

Recent Book
The Life and (Medieval) Times of Kit Sweetly

Lizzie Mason

Lizzie Mason

Lizzy Mason grew up in northern Virginia before moving to New York City for college and, later, a career in publishing. She now lives with her husband in an apartment full of books in Salem, MA. When not reading or writing, Lizzy loves to travel; she has visited forty-four states and eleven countries so far. The Art of Losing is her first novel.

Recent Book
The Art of Losing