Tom Pamperin

Photo of Tom Pamperin

Tom Pamperin has taught high school English for 19 years, both in the U.S. and overseas. As a student at UW-Eau Claire, he studied creative writing with Karen Loeb, John Hildebrand, Max Garland, and Allyson Loomis. Tom writes regularly about wooden boat building and small boat sailing—his first book, Jagular Goes Everywhere: (mis)Adventures in a $300 Sailboat, was an honorable mention for the 2014 Blei/Derleth Nonfiction Book Award. He is currently based in Wrocław, Poland.

"For me, the stories from the Wisconsin People & Ideas fiction contest are a literary highlight of the magazine each year. I’m excited to be joining the list of contest winners, and grateful for the support that Wisconsin People & Ideas gives to Wisconsin writers and artists."